Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Many Looks of Jesus

The Bible and specifically the gospel and life of Jesus is well known all over the world. Christianity has spread far and wide and I find it fascinating that every culture chooses to portray Jesus in different way. Historically, Jesus likely lived in the Middle East. So he probably had dark skin and dark hair, but I know that many of the portrayals I've seen of Jesus don't necessarily match that. Living in a Western culture, I've seen paintings of Jesus almost exclusively with light skin. And in Africa and the Caribbean, the paintings are of a black Jesus. I think that's so cool that different people choose to make Jesus a part of their own culture. I think it must help them relate to Jesus and feel closer to him. And in my opinion, I don't think it matters if the paintings are historically accurate or not, just that people all around the world are affected and influenced by his teachings.

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