Monday, March 11, 2013

Brite Divinity School

So I flew back home this weekend. Back to Fort Worth, Texas. Among the many great things about my hometown is the Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University. Their main focus is captured in this sentence,

"Brite Divinity School educates women and men of diverse backgrounds for the ministry and witness of Jesus Christ in the church and world. Theological education occurs through scholarship, research and reflection, balanced by community service and practical ministry experience."

That was taken straight from their website. I think one of the most important components of that statement is the "research and reflection" piece. It encompasses the idea that understanding Christianity is all about being knowledgable in the history and progression of the religion. That relates to a lot of what we're learning about in this class. Anyway, I thought it was kind of a neat parallel and if y'all want to learn a little more about Brite, check out their website!

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