Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow. The media loves him. It's a different story for the fans though. People either love him or hate him. But why? Sure, you've go the Florida State fans who hated his success at UF, and you've got NFL fans who despise his ability to win football games in the NFL despite his stats. But there're more people out there who don't like Tim Tebow. 

A large part of that is because he wears his faith on his sleeve. Tebow says that his motivation to be successful and well-known in the NFL is because it serves as a platform to bring attention to God. Essentially t's for evangelism. That has brought him a lot of love and support from other Christians out there, but it's attracted more negative feedback than he would've liked. 

Tim Tebow is a wonderful person. I've read his biography and he just encompasses so much that we value in society. He's humble, kind, respectful, driven, hard-working, a good leader, a role model, and a humanitarian.Unfortunately, because he chooses to talk about his religion and make that a focus of his life, he's faced some struggles. 

It seems that people just aren't interested in hearing about religion from. Are they scared? Are they just fed up with it? I don't know what it is, but in my personal opinion, I love Tim Tebow and it's a shame that we seem to treat people with such disdain when they try to reach out in the name of God and in the name of love.

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