Monday, February 25, 2013

St. Aidan's Episcopal Church

This upcoming Sunday I plan to visit St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, the location I selected as the topic of my site visit paper.  I honestly just have no idea what to expect from it. I grew up in a very large Disciples of Christ church in Texas, so that is almost entirely what I'll be comparing my visit to. I'm going to focus on identifying the practices and traditions that are a part of their weekly worship, and how they relate to those that I'm more familiar with. In addition, I'll be very attentive as to distinguish what their beliefs are as a denomination. I'm always fascinated with the details that identify each religion, and especially each denomination of Christianity. It should be a good time, and I'm looking forward to an educational and insightful visit!

If you want to check it out for yourself, be sure to take a look at their website!

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