Monday, February 18, 2013

The Pope's Resignation

I read an article about Pope Benedict and his intentions after his resignation. According to this article, the Pope claimed that he would "remain hidden from the world" and would live a "life dedicated to prayer." It seems that the Pope is resigning because of political reasons. Whether that's true or not, it's sad that we've reached a point where political implications are more important than the job of the pope and the progression of a religion. Pope Benedict was simply evaluating reform issues such as religious freedom, ecumenism, and liturgy. His speech makes clear that the reforms were not a break from the ancient tradition of the pontificate. Regardless, here we are today with a Pope who is choosing to resign. The idea to make changes seems to have caused such distress among people that they pressured the Pope into resignation. It makes me question whether or not we value searching for improvements and change in our life and spirituality. Do we need the traditions and consistency of this religion? Or are we really just scared that change will lead to a new, unfamiliar identity?

It just makes me think. Check it out.

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