Sunday, February 17, 2013

Veterans' Afflictions

There was a great article in the NY Times about veterans and the moral problems they face as soldiers. This article is about Rev. Rita Nakashima Brock, a faithful Christian and theologian at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas. She's also the daughter of a veteran. That part of her life has challenged her faith and made her question where morality and peace exists in war. She's devoted much of her years towards healing spiritual wounds of veterans. She refers to this as "soul repair" and moral injury. Much of her work is based on looking for theological answers to the conditions of these veterans. 

It's an incredible article, and I urge you to read it, but I want to wrap up this post by including a great quote at the end of this article about her views on an evolving pacifism: "I don't envision a world where a standing army isn't necessary. If that is the case, then whether or not I agree with an administration and the wars it chooses to fight, I feel that as a citizen, I have a responsibility to restore people who've fought, to restore them to our communities. It's nothing wrong with them individually. It's what we owe them as a society."

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